King of Glory exists to glorify God together.



Belong to One Another


Learn God’s Word


Serve the Community


Share the Good News of Jesus


  We teach that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, is our Lord and Savior. Through His virgin birth, sinless life, and substitutionary atonement, Jesus has purchased our redemption, and thus He has procured for us forgiveness of sins, freedom from the power of sin, release from the punishment for sin as well as newness of life, abundant life, and eternal life.

We teach that the Holy Spirit calls us to repentance, faith, and obedience. We teach that he indwells and empowers each believer.

We teach that the Bible is the inspired, revealed, and inerrant Word of God and submit to it as the only infallible authority in all matters of faith and life.

We teach that all people are created in the image and likeness of God, but that through Adam’s sin people have inherited a sinful nature, and became alienated from God.  We teach that all people are by nature and choice sinners who stand guilty before God.  Therefore, we teach that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. 

We teach that the Church is the body of Christ with Jesus as the head of the body.  Thus we submit to His Lordship in all things.

We teach that Jesus commands the Church to baptize.  Therefore, we baptize believers and the children of believers.  We accept the baptisms of those who come to use from other congregations and denominations as valid, provided that they were performed with water in the name of the Trinity.

We practice open communion where all who profess faith in Jesus Christ are welcome to participate.  We teach that for the promises associated with communion to be effect if one's life, the elements are to be received in faith.  We teach that Jesus instituted communion as a reminder of His death for our forgiveness to be practiced regularly by the church.